Main objects of Agriculture Company
- To carry on the business and provide consultancy in the fields of Agriculture livestock and livestock products, animal husbandry, Fodder production, agro forestry, animal farm management, wildlife, animal health, animal production, hatchery, poultry (layer and broiler) production and processing, dairying, integrated rural development, rearing meat producing animals, scientific slaughter facilities and cold chains, veterinary biological products, fisheries and horticulture.
- To carry on the business of farming, agriculture and horticulture in all their respective forms and to grow, produce, manufacture, process, prepare, refine, extract, manipulate, hydrolyze, deodorize, bleach, hydrogenate, buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of agriculture, horticulture dairy and farm produce and products including food grains, cereals, seeds, oilseeds, plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits, vegetable and edible oils and food products and preparations of any nature or description whatsoever.
- To establish and carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacture, produce, process, treat, assemble and alter, all type of purified drinking water, mineral water, saline water and all types of food and food products, bread, biscuits, sweets, confectioneries, salted item, jams, jellies, all type of dairy and dairy products including milk, ghee, butter, etc and to develop, grow, cultivate, fabricate, to act as agent, broker, stockiest, distributor, importer, exporter, trader, buyer, seller, vendor, consultant, job-worker or otherwise deal in all shapes, sizes, users, capacities, specifications, description, qualities and varieties of products generally consumed or may be consumed or used by any living being or meant for any commercial or industrial use.
- To carry on the business of planters, growers and cultivators of seeds, vegetable, fruits and herbs and to cultivate, grow, produce or deal in vegetable, fruits and herbs and to undertake the activities for its processing, preservation or storage with the installation for plant, machinery, cold storage, air conditioning, refrigeration and other equipment’s and to provide consulting and support services.
Main objects of Plantation Activity Company
- To provide the necessary infrastructure to harvest and develop forest resources based, to promote forest resources-based Industries, to arrange marketing of timber and other forest resources on the mainland and abroad.
- To plant, grow, cultivate, produce, and raise plantations of various forest species of proven utility and other agricultural, plantation, horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and to buy, sell, export, import, process, distribute, or otherwise deal with all kinds of forest crops, natural products agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants.
- To carry on the business of planters, cultivators, producers, sellers and dealers in timber, processed or not and such other products of every description and to manufacture, dispose of sell and deal in products of natural forest and forest plantations, agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops and medicinal and aromatic plants.
- To establish, administer, own and run industries for manufacturing forest products, agricultural, plantation and horticultural products, medicinal and aromatic plants.
- To conduct and contract for training and research connected with the integrated development of forest resources of the islands and cultivation as well as processing of agricultural, plantation and horticultural crops, medicinal and aromatic plants
Main objects of Agro Service Company
- To carry on business as manufactures, importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers and dealers in all types of agri-inputs, like fertilizers, Micronutrients, Pesticides & insecticides, veterinary and livestock feeds and feed supplements, fish feeds and its supplements.
- To buy import, export, sell and generally deal in all plant and machinery, implements, accessories, tools, goods or things and all types of modern agricultural implements, veterinary, livestock and poultry equipment’s and also to carry on the business of poultry, farming, agricultural farming, fish rearing and allied activities.
Main objects of Horticulture Company
- To acquire, purchase or take on lease the agricultural land anywhere in the country.
- To carry on the business of horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, cultivators, of all kinds of seeds, fruits, including grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes proprietor of orchards and traders, exporter, dealers, processors, preservers and sellers of the products of such horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise.
- To cultivate, plant, purchase, sell, trade, or otherwise deal in food stuff such as cereals sugarcane, sugar beet, vegetable and flower seeds, oil seeds, tea, coffee, cocoa, cinchona, rubber flex, hemp, cotton, silk, art silk, grass, timber wood, bamboo, straw, seeds fruits and other articles that are the produce of land and to sell purchase, trade and deal in the same as principals or agents, solely or with partnership with other.
- To promote, develop, execute, operate and otherwise carryon projects, schemes, industries, business and activities which in the opinion of the Company is likely to accelerate and increase agricultural production.
Main objects of Educational Institute Company
- To set up laboratories, purchase and acquire land for establishment of Institute, equipment and instruments required for carrying out medical investigation and to educate and train medical students, nurses, midwives and hospital administrators and to grant such certificates or recognitions as the company may prescribe or deem fit from time to time and to grant stipends, scholarships or any other assistance monetary or otherwise to whomsoever to further the course medicine and / or medical research.
- To carry in-house medical research by engaging in the research and development in all fields, systems of medical sciences and in diagnostics and medical treatments and to develop new technologies so as to afford medical relief in a better way. Further, to collect primary and secondary data and make statistical analysis and apply the findings for furthering medical research and maintain, generate and upkeep intellectual rights, properties and privileges in medical sciences, research, development and innovations and to patent the same and / or register and trade mark(s) and to make use of the same by sale / export / let on hire either for commercial or other purposes.
- To provide, encourage, initiate or promote facilities for the discovering, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatments of diseases by adopting commercialized imported technology and by significant improvements in existing product / process / application and to initiate development of technology and to apply this technology in the medical field and also in areas of telemedicine etc, using computer applications to meet the medical standards and also benefit the public by these applications.
- To carry on the research and developmental activities to develop new products and substitute for imported products and to develop and maintain testing house and laboratory for own use and for others and healthcare institutions and to promote research and development in these areas.
Main objects of Coaching Institute Company
- To establish, setup, and run in any part of India coaching institutes , Study centre, oral coaching classes, where in professional, technical, vocational or higher education in every field of science, commerce, arts, management, engineering, law, banking, insurance, finance, medicine, hospitality, tourism, computers, or any other type of education be imparted by conducting regular , part time classes.
- To establish, develop, promote franchise, study centers in India or abroad for conducting regular, evening or weekend interactive classes and to get the necessary approval, permission required for this purpose.
- To enter in to Joint Venture, or collaborate with accredited educational institutions in India/outside India to provide such infrastructure assistance to such accredited educational institution and such other learning support on such terms and conditions as may be decided by the company from time to time.
Main Objects of Mask and Sanitizer Manufacturing and Trading
1.To buy, sell, supply, store, stock, maintain, manufacture or otherwise deal in all kinds and varieties of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/Products including but not limited to Face protection, goggles and masks or face shield, gloves, gown or coverall, head cover, rubber boots, sanitizer, surgical equipment’s, medical devices, generic and patent/ non-patent medicines, drugs, mixtures, formulations, tablets, pills, powers, pharmaceuticals and medical products, health products/supplements, needles, syringes, injection, vaccines, sera, immunogens, chemicals and surgical dressings, kits and instruments and other relevant items/products.
2.To Provide Support Services including but limited to data and content services, R&D, Portals, Manpower, consultancy.
Main objects of Health fitness and Gym Company
1.To acquire, establish, run, manage, construct, build, take on hire or lease, maintain, organise, promote, provide, acquire, develop, erect, and to handle, hospital, health centres, dispensaries, operation theatres, yoga centres, immunization centres, massage houses, beauty salons, clinics, maternity & family planning units, gymnasiums, swimming pools, poly clinics, natural cure centres, steam bath, nursing homes, pathological laboratories, eye banks, blood banks, kidney banks, sports clubs, diagnostic centres, medical & other research centres and similar establishment on membership basis or otherwise for the treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defect or for the betterment of the society at large.
2.To run chemist shop and to carry on, manufacture, produce, export, import, buy, sell, fabricate, discover, develop, design, process, investigate, store, formulate, install, repair, maintain, recondition, turn to account, exchange, sponsor, distribute or otherwise to deal in all sorts of medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, injections, drugs, formulations, apparatus, instruments, accessories, natural & artificial human body parts and other allied goods & articles.
3.To establish, provide, maintain and run research centres, laboratories, experimental workshops and to carry out medical research by engaging in the research and development of all fields of medical science, and in therapies of medical treatment.
Main objects of Pharmaceutical Company
- To manufacture, formulate, process, develop, refine, import, export, wholesale and/or retail trade all kinds of pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, drugs, medicines, biological, nutraceuticals, healthcare, ayurvedic and dietary supplement products, medicinal preparations, vaccines, chemicals, chemical products, dry salters, mineral waters, wines, cordials, liquors, soups, broths and other restoratives or foods and also to deal in medicinal goods such as surgical instruments, contraceptives, photographic goods, oils, perfumes, cosmetics, patent medicines, soaps, artificial limbs, hospital requisites, proprietary medicines, veterinary medicines and tinctures extracts and to carry on the business of vialling, bottling, repacking, processing of tablets, capsules, syrups, injections, ointments, etc. and also to carry on the business of chemists, druggists, buyers, sellers, agents, distributors and stockiest of all kinds of pharmaceuticals and allied products.
- To carry on in India or abroad business of importers, merchants, general order suppliers, commission agents, representatives, distributors, royalty owner, contractors, auctioneers, indent agents, passage agents, factors, organizers, concessionaries, sale agents, sub agents, and insurance agents, in connection with the business as referred to in sub-clause (1) above.
- To manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, refine, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as importers or exporters, or as principals or agents in foods, processed foods, protein, health and instant foods of all kinds including dietic foods, cereals, beverages, cordials, tonics, restoratives and aerated mineral waters, fruit drinks, condensed milk, and consumables provisions of every description for human or animal consumption.
Main objects of Hotel Business Company
- To carry on all the business of hotels, restaurants, cafes, holiday camps, resorts, taverns, beer-houses, refreshment rooms, night clubs, cabarets and swimming pools and Turkish baths and lodging or apartment house keepers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, distillers, bakers and confectioners, importers and manufactures of aerated mineral and artificial water and other drinks.
- To purchase, take on lease hire, erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip act as collaborators, technicians of any other hotels, motels, holiday camps, restaurants, canteens, cafes, pubs, bars, kitchens, refreshment rooms, casinos etc. in India or in any other part of the world and to carry on the business of consultants to the hotels, restaurants, kitchens, canteens, etc. in existence or to be started and to train chefs, cooks, bearers and other staff for hotel industry.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, producing, processing, importing, exporting, distributing, trading, supplying, running, managing and dealing in all kinds of food, food products, dairy products, bakery & confectionery products, whether as owners, co-owners, joint ventures, operators, franchisees, franchisers and/or any other business model.
- To act as hotel management consultants, mangers, operators, advisors, planners, values and to impart technical know-how and training in the field of planning, construction, operation of hotels, motels, restaurants, recreation and entertainment centers in the field of tourism industry whether in India or abroad and to purchase erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip and act as collaborators, technicians, financiers to any other hotel or restaurant in India or abroad.
Main objects of Hospitality Services Company
- To purchase & acquire land for establishment of hotels, holidays, resorts, villas, lodgings, stalls, garages, summerhouses, chateaus, castles, inns, hostels, road houses, motels, taverns, rest houses, guest houses.
- To sell, serve & to distribute & to manage & market the manufacture of selling, serving & distribution of comestible, eatables. Victuals, meat, bread, bread stuffs & all types of food stuffs & human consumables.
- To sell serve & to distribute & to manage & market, selling, serving & distributing of soft drinks, aerated waters, beverages, both natural & artificial fresh & canned vegetables & meats, fresh & canned fruits & to manufacture, grow, produce, develop, process (including canning, cold storage, deep freezing de-hydration, baking, drying, bottling & packing ) of all types of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, spices & condiments.
- To carry on the business of travel agents, hirers of motor & other vehicles, caterers for public amusements, hair dressers, perfumes, chemists, proprietors of clubs, bath, dressing rooms, laundries, reading rooms, writing rooms, newspaper & smoking room, libraries, places of amusements, recreation, sports, entertainment & instruction of all kinds, departmental stores, agents for railway, shipping and airplane companies and carriers, theatrical and opera box office, proprietors, insurance agents.
Main objects of Tour and Travel Company
- To encourage and provide the business as package tour operators, daily passenger service operators, tour operators, travel agents, ship booking agents, railway ticket booking agents, airlines ticket booking agents, carrier service agents, courier service agents.
- To carry on the business of running of taxies, buses, mini buses, trucks and conveyances of all kinds and to transport passengers, goods, commodities, livestock’s, merchandise and to do the business of transporters, forwarding and transporting agents, stevedore, Carmen, what fingers, cargo superintendents, package handlers and carting contractors.
- To carry on the business as tourist agents and contractors and to facilitate traveling and to provide for tourists and travellers, the provision of convenience of all kinds in the way of through tickets, sleeper cars, or berths, reserved places, hotel, motel and lodging, accommodation guidance, safe deposits, enquiry bureaus, libraries, reading rooms, baggage transport and other allied services.
- To act as Money Changers to provide services that may be necessary for the achievement of the aforesaid objects.
Main Object of Event Management Company
- To undertake, handle and carry on business in India and abroad connected with events for different corporate, companies or individuals which includes any happening such as organizing and management of luxury events, government & private events, road shows including financial market, expositions, seminars, fashion shows, concerts, lavish parties, conferences, social events e.g. summer camp for children, game shows, fun events & theme, corporate golf tours, corporate family carnival, brand launches, and management, cultural events & celebrity management, award nights, entertainment shows, music shows, exhibitions, event management shows, fashion shows, expositions, meets, product launches, concerts, gala dinners, weddings, pandals, religious events, government, college and school festivals, theme parties, Online promotion of events, concerts, live shows, parties and sale of tickets or simply bookings & reservations and to acquire, purchase, sale, import or export, let on hire, install for that purposes various things, equipment’s and systems viz. audio visual systems, exhibitions, display panels and boards, conference kit and guides, and to provide support services including venue decor and infrastructural support as providing venue booking, no objection certificates and government permissions, sound and light arrangements, fabrication of stalls, stage platforms, decorative items, transportation and labour or any other device or systems to execute the said business..
- To carry on the business of service provider, distributor, concept, facilitator, consultant, manager, franchises, Co-ordinations with municipalities, Administration, traffic, Police, Licensing Authorities, market authorities etc., custodian, trustees, business advisor, strategy formulator, Brand Ambassador, on behalf of companies/firms/ individuals to promote, establish, brand building, market leader of products or services and all related activities.
- To carry on business of promotional events, Award ceremonies, Product launching platform, sampling of products, pageant ceremonies, organizing ground level kiosks.
- To carry on such other incidental/auxiliar y activities as may be necessary in connection with sales promotion & event management.
Main objects of Online Lottery Business
To carry on the business of Lotteries, Online Lotteries, dealership in Lotteries run by the Central and/or state government authorities and/or run by the other private bodies, and to carry on the business of market survey and developments of lotteries including market research of various types of lotteries.
Main objects of IT Company
- To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing recruitment and HR related services, providing and taking personnel / consultants/ human resources to / from other organizations, providing solutions/ Packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, Accounting, HR and payroll processing, Insurance claims processing, credit card processing, loans and letters of credit processing, cheque processing, data warehousing and database management, to carry on the business of manufacturing, dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerized telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices and to carry on the business of establishing, running and managing institutions, school, and academics for imparting education in computer technology, offering equipment, solutions and services for Networking and network management, data centre management and in providing consultancy services in all above mentioned areas.
- To develop, provide, undertake, design, import, export, distribute and deal in Systems and application software for microprocessor based information systems, off shore software development projects, internet service provider, and solutions in all areas of application and other business applications either for its own use for sale in India or for export outside India and to design and develop such systems and application software for and on behalf of manufacturers owners and users of computer, telecom, digital, electronic equipments in India or elsewhere in the world.
- To manufacture, sell, export, import all kinds of electric & electronic components capable of being used in Electrical & mechanical and electronic Industries including Computers telecommunications to carry our software research and development, to design and develop system software, application software and any other software in India and abroad to start Integrated services Digital Local Network ( ISDLAN ) dial for data Centers technology parks, wide area network Internet, user net, cyber café services in India and abroad.
Main objects of Web Portal Company
- To carry on the business of providing solutions and services related to Web-Technologies, Internet and E-commerce, including to design, develop, maintain, operate, own, establish, install, host, provide, create, facilitate, supply, sale, purchase,license or otherwise deal in Internet portals, Internetnetworks, Media Portals, Internet solutions, Internet gateways, Internet service providers, E-commerce, Web-site designing, Web based and Web enabled services and applications, E-commerce service provider, E-commerce solutions, E-commerce platforms, E-commerce education, E-commerce technologies and E-business solutions.
- To provide consultancy services addressed to business process engineering, information technology and the design and implementation of information technology solutions for Industry and to establish computer network, either as part of international network or as stand alone network or otherwise, development of websites, Portal Sites and provide high speed digital / analog communication links to other networks and to establish and offer internet services, internet service provider and any other service which is feasible by using internet or any other such international networks.
- To develop expertise and impart education in the fields of information technology.
- To identify and acquire/invest in Companies and enterprises including forming joint venture and act as a Holding company in businesses holding prospects of growth including investing in Companies dealing in Telecom Ventures, ISP Business, WEB portal business, IT server farms and hosting business, digital service provider business, IT software development business, multimedia software development business and any other business activity in the areas of telecommunications and information technology.
Main object of Broadcasting and Networking company
- To carry on the business of broadcasting, telecasting, relaying, transmitting, distributing or running any video, audio, voice, or other programmers or software, (both proprietary and third party) over television, radio, internet, telecom or any other media.
- To carry on the business of Cable services encompassing distribution, relaying, transmission of signals including but not limited to TV, voice over Internet Protocol, Video on Demand or any other services through cable within and outside India by means of any system.
- To offer internet-based services including but not limited to offering international and domestic voice, voice-over-internet protocol (VOIP), Broadband internet, wireless, data and hosting services to business and residential retail customers and other carriers located in the territory of India and to apply and obtain licenses to carry on these objects.
- To create/raise infrastructure of dark fibers, right of way, duct space & tower for relaying and transmission of signals for internet and telecom-based cable services to end subscribers and customers in Indian territory, to offer such infrastructure to others business establishment on lease and commercial terms and to apply and obtain licenses to carry on these objects.
Main objects of E-commerce Company
1.To carry on the business of providing solutions and services related to Web-Technologies, Internet and E-commerce, including to design, develop, maintain, operate, own, establish, install, host, provide, create, facilitate, supply, sale, purchase, licence or otherwise deal in Internet portals, Internet networks, Media Portals, Internet solutions, Internet gateways, Internet service providers, E-commerce, Web-site designing, Web based and Web enabled services and applications, E-commerce service provider, E-commerce solutions, E-commerce platforms, E-commerce education, E-commerce technologies and E-business solutions.
2.To develop expertise and impart education in the fields of information technology.
3.To identify and acquire/invest in Companies and enterprises including forming joint venture and act as a Holding company in businesses holding prospects of growth including investing in Companies dealing in Telecom Ventures, ISP Business, WEB portal business, IT server farms and hosting business, digital service provider business, IT software development business, multimedia software development business and any other business activity in the areas of telecommunications and information technology.
Main objects of media and Advertising Company
- 1.To undertake the business of, and to work as consultants and on, advertising, publicity, public relations press relations and mass communication, all types of consumer market, industrial, sociological and advertising research, graphic designing including product packaging exhibition, designing, photography, photo type setting computerised desktop publish printing, litho work and manufacturing advertising objects, novelties, packaging and other advertising materials and to carry on business of advertisement and publicity agents and contractors in various ways and manners including outdoor and indoor, newspapers, magazines, books, screens, slides, walls, buses, railways, other transport vehicles and public places, audio visual display and to prepare, advice, manufacture and construct advertising devices and to publish or advertise the same through any media whatsoever.
- To advise individuals, firms, companies, corporations and others anywhere in the world on best methods of advertising products, processes and services and to act as consultants and agents and to deal with newspapers, magazines, T.V., radio and other media on behalf of clients, to undertake advertising and promotional campaigns of all kinds on behalf of clients and to carry on any other business which may be usefully carried on with the business of the company.
Main objects of Publication and Distribution company
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as printers, publishers, typesesster, DPT operators, proofreaders, binders, cutter, perforators, laminators, designers, authors, writer and editors of publication all varieties, descriptions, specifications, applications & uses including books, novels, magazines, journals, souvenirs, newsletters, periodicals, bulletins, pamphlets, forms catalogues, diaries, calendars, posters, pictures, stickers, text books, law books, school books, college books, newspapers & other allied publications on any subject whatsoever in print as well as in electronic media and to develop software, CDs, cassettes, floppies or any other electors mode, devices, systems and to act as job work, contractor, sub-contractor, consultant, date entry operator, page maker, website designer, copyright owner and to deal in all goods, articles and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
Main objects of Trading Company
- To carry on the business of buying, selling, reselling, importing, exporting, transporting, storing, developing, promoting, marketing or supplying, trading, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
- To carry on the business as exhibitors of various goods, services and merchandise and to undertake the necessary activities to promote sales of goods, services and merchandise manufactured/dealt with/provided by the Company.
- To act as broker, trader, agent, C & F agent, shipper, commission agent, distributor, representative, franchiser, consultant, collaborator, stockiest, liaison, job worker, export house of goods, merchandise and services of all grades, specifications, descriptions, applications, modalities, fashions, including by-products, spares or accessories thereof, on retail as well as on wholesale basis.
Main objects of Plastic Recycling Company
- To carry on business of plastic recycling and as dealers in plastic raw materials, resins, goods and articles connected with the plastic manufacturing industry.
- To carry on business of importers, exporters, manufacturers, agents and representatives and dealers in all kinds of plastic raw materials and products.
Main objects of Developing, Building and constructing properties
- To purchase any land, plot(s) of land or immovable property or any right or interest therein either singly or jointly or in Partnership with any person(s) or Body corporate or partnership Firm and to develop and construct thereon residential, commercial complex or complex(es) either singly or jointly or in partnership as aforesaid, comprising offices for sale or self use or for earning rental income thereon by letting out individual units comprised in such building(s).
- To purchase any movable or immovable property including industrial, commercial, residential, or farm lands, plots, buildings, houses, apartments, flats or areas within or outside the limits of Municipal Corporation or other local bodies, anywhere within the Domain of India, to divide the same into suitable plots, and to rent or sell the plots for building/constructing residential houses, bungalows, business premises, and colonies and rent or sell the same and realize cost in lumpsum or easy installments or by hire purchase system and otherwise.
- To purchase, sell and otherwise to carry on the business such as builders, contractors, architects, engineers, Estate agents, decorators and surveyors.
- To purchase for resale and to trade in land and house and other immoveable property of any tenure and any interest therein, and to create, sell and deal in freehold and leasehold ground rents, and to deal in trade by way of sale,or otherwise with land and house property and any other immovable property whether real or personal.
- To construct, execute, carryout, equip, support maintain, operate, improve, work, develop, administer, manage, control and superintend within or outside the country any where in the world all kinds of works, public or otherwise, buildings, houses and other constructions or conveniences of all kinds, which expression in this memorandum includes roads, railways, and tramways, docks, harbours, Piers, wharves, canals, serial runways and hangers, airports, reservoirs, embankments, irritations, reclamation, improvements, sewage, sanitary, water, gas, electronic light, power supply works, and hotels, cold storages, warehouses, cinema houses, markets, public and other buildings and all other works and conveniences of public or private utility, to apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any contracts, decrease, concessions, for or in relation to the construction, execution, carrying out equipment, improvement, administration, or control of all such works and conveniences as aforesaid and to undertake, execute, carry out, dispose of or otherwise turn to account the same.
Main objects of Steel Company
- To acquire or carry on in India or elsewhere the business of providing heat and cold treatment of iron, steel (including alloy steel) and metal founders, processors, turners, forgers, drawers, rollers and re-rollers of steel shafting’s, bars, rods, etc. , in different shapes and sizes from scraps, billets, ingots including wire, nails, screws, metal hinges, plates, sheets, strips, hoops, rounds, circles, angles and to alloy steel, stainless steel, any other products from steel, brass, copper, lead, zinc, nickel and any other ferrous and non-ferrous metals of all sizes, specification and description including ingot casting in electric and furnace.
- To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to design, manufacture, produce, prepare, buy, procure, acquire, import, improve upon, alter, manipulate, maintain, prepare for market, handle, assemble, heat, grade, mould, cast, sell, resale, export, operate, dispose of, distribute, transport, store, forward, dispose, consume, repair supply and otherwise deal in or develop all types, varieties, models, shapes, sizes, specifications, description, diameters, capacities, applications, uses and values of gadgets, implements, accessories, parts, spares, assemblies, components, moulds, jigs, nuts, bolts, fixtures and tools, metallic or otherwise.
- To act as agent, broker, representative, and consultant, collaborator, stockiest, lesser, franchiser, wholesaler, retailer, job-worker, exporter, importer, dealer or in any such other capacity in respect of products manufactured or dealt with by the Company.
- To carry on all processes like metal printing, metal anodising, electro-plating, chemical treatment and lacquering in respects of products manufactured or dealt with by the Company.
Main objects of Special Economic Zone Company
To carry on in India or abroad the business of developing, constructing, establishing, commissioning, setting up, operating , maintaining, alteration, pulling down and restore either alone or jointly with any other companies or persons, Government , firms, associations authorities, bodies, trusts, agencies, societies or any other person or persons engaged in or in connection with either directly or indirectly and whether wholly or in part, for the purposes of infrastructure development work or providing infrastructure facility or engaged in infrastructure activities, which shall include work or facility or providing of services in relation to or in connection with setting up, development, construction, operation, maintenance, modernisation, expansion and improvement of any infrastructure project or facility including roads, special economic zones, export processing zone, knowledge parks, information technology parks, highways, railways, airways, waterways, ports, transport systems, bridges, tele-communication and other communication systems, systems for generation or storage or transmission or distribution of power, irrigation and irrigation systems, sewerage, water supply, sanitation, health, tourism, education, oil & gas (excluding exploration), food and agriculture infrastructure and setting up of industrial areas.
Main objects of Electronics Company
- To carry on the business of manufacture including production and processing and fabrication and assembling, repairing, alternation, buying, importing, marketing, selling and exporting and otherwise dealing in all types of automotive components, electrical components, spare parts, products, equipments for all types of two-wheelers, passenger cars, light motor vehicles, multi-utility vehicles, heavy motor vehicles, All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and all other types of automobiles.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing including production and processing and fabrication and assembling, repairing, alternation, buying, importing, marketing, selling and exporting and otherwise dealing in all kinds of equipments, machinery apparatus, tools, assembles, spares, components, jigs, dies, utensils, commodities for manufacturing all types of automotive components and equipments.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing including production and processing and fabrication and assembling, repairing, alternation, buying, importing, marketing, selling and exporting and otherwise dealing in all types of electrical components for home appliance products.
- To carry on the business of manufacturing including production and processing and fabrication and assembling, repairing, alternation, buying, importing, marketing, selling and exporting and otherwise dealing in all types of telecommunication components.
- To carry on the business of research and development, design, provision of technical assistance and licenses, consulting and otherwise of manufacturing systems including production control and quality control and improvement of production lines relating to above objects.
Main objects of Interior Decorator Company
1.To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, develop, fabricate, finish, manipulate and to act as importer, exporter, buyer, seller, job worker, wooden beading and molding’s, wooden packing cases, and to carry on either alone or jointly with one or more persons, government, local or other bodies, the business of to undertake Architectural work, inter designers, erection and installation and to act as civil engineers, architectural engineers, interior decorators, consultants, advisors, contractors, turnkey contractors and managers, and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.
2.To undertake jobs as interiors decorators, furnishers, cleaners, repairers and render services in all other auxiliary fields and to carry on the business of manufacturing, selling, buying, letting on hire and otherwise dealing in all kinds of furniture, carpets, linoleums, art goods as may be required in connection with the interior decoration of flats, bungalow, row houses, and residential and commercial premises.
Main objects of Consultancy Services Company
1.To carry on the business of providing industrial management, HR Management, Manpower placement, recruiting, outsourcing for all category of employees required by various Industries and organizations including but not limited to providing security services, Labour contractors to Industries and Commercial establishments and to provide consultancy and other relevant activities in India and abroad.
2.To carry on the business of supplying materials of all kinds and descriptions including but not limited to worker safety materials, attendance recording machine, payroll processing software for the aforementioned services and businesses for the benefit of the company.
3.To carry on the business of providing Support Services whether information technology enabled or otherwise, including but not limited to providing back office services, enterprise content and data services, job portal development, accounting, legal services, business analysis, business intelligence, advertising, public relations, business, commercial and administrative services in India and abroad.
Main objects of Textile Company
- To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, importing, exporting and dealing in textiles, cotton, silk, art silk, rayon, nylon, synthetic fibers, staple fibers, polyester, worsted, wool, hemp and other fibre materials, yarn, cloth, linen, rayon and other goods or merchandise whether textile felted, netted or looped.
- To carry on the business of importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, dealers and as agents, stockiest, distributors and suppliers of all kinds of ready made garments, coverings, coated fabrics, textiles, hosiery and silk or merchandise of every kind and description and other production goods, articles and things as are made from or with cotton, nylon, silk, polyester, acrylics, wool, jute and other such kinds of fiber by whatever name called or made under any process, whether natural or artificial and by mechanical or other means and all other such products of allied nature made thereof.
Main objects of Venture Fund Management Company
To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to establish, form, promote, manage, organize handle, sponsor, operate, supervise or to float venture capital fund /company to manage all sorts of assets of venture capital through a duly incorporated company under the Companies Act, 1956 as approved by Securities & Exchange Board of India or other authorities from time to time under prevailing laws, rules & guidelines and to encourage and develop first generation entrepreneurs, specially technologists, technocrats and professionals, in order to enlarge the technological entrepreneurial base in the country. To promote risk-oriented projects entailing the use of advanced and / or complex technology or projects for the manufacture of new products for new usages and markets that will strengthen the national economy and to charge such management and advisory fees and incidental expenses and to do all such acts and things as are necessary for the attainment of the foregoing objects.
Main objects of Warehousing Company
To carry on the business in India or abroad to take on lease, rent, hire and to construct, build, establish, erect, promote, undertake, acquire, own operate, equip, manage, renovate, recondition, turn to account, maintain and to run warehouses, god owns, open platforms, refrigeration houses, stores and other similar establishments to provide facilities for storage of commodities, goods, articles and things, and for the purpose to act as C & F agent, custodian, warehouseman, transportation and distribution agent, stockiest, financier, auctioneer, importer, exporter, or otherwise to deal in all sorts of commodities, vegetables, fruits, edibles and similar goods.
Main objects of Automobile trading company
- To carry on the business of manufacture, fabricate and assemble, buy, sell, import, export, distribute, and deal in automobile parts of all kinds and descriptions, automotive and other gears, transmission and other axles, universal joints, springs, leaves, head lamps, sealed beams, induction hardened pins, alloy springs, accessories and fittings of all kinds and to act as brokers and marketing agents for aforesaid items.
- To carry on the business of buying, selling, dealing in, automobiles, motorcars, lorries, buses, vans, motorcycles, cycle-cars, motor, scooters, carriages, amphibious vehicles, and vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, sea, or in the air or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all descriptions, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, diesel, spirit, steam, gas, electrical, animal, or other power, and of internal combustion and other engines, chassis-bodies and other components, parts and accessories and all machinery, implements, utensils, appliances, apparatus, lubricants, solutions enamels and all things capable of being used for, in, or in connection with maintenance, and working of motors.
Main objects of Logistics Company
- To establish, organize, manage, run, charter, conduct, contract, develop, handle, own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, in all its branches on land, air, water, & space, for transporting goods, articles, or things on all routes and lines on National and International level subject to law in force through all sorts of carries like trucks, lorries, trawlers, dumpers, coaches, tankers, tractors, haulers, jeeps, trailers, motor buses, omnibuses, motor taxies, railways, tramways, aircrafts, hovercrafts, rockers, space shuttles, ships, vessels, boats, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, diesel, electricity, steam oil, atomic power or any other form of power.
- To carry on the business of clearing and forwarding agents, courier and cargo handlers, handling and haulage contractors, warehousemen, common carriers by land, rail, water and air, container agents, to handle goods and passengers within the country and outside and to carry on the business of tour and travel operators and to act as customs agents, wharfingers.
Main objects of Manpower Consultancy Company
To carry on the business of providing Manpower placement and recruiting, Selecting, Interviewing, Training and Employing all types of executives, Middle Management Staff, Junior Level Staff, Workers, Labourers Skilled/Unskilled required by various Industries and organizations including providing security services, Labour contractors, Industrial, Commercial, Housing and other security services and workers for office management and to conduct employment bureau and to provide consultancy and other services in connection with requirements of persons and manpower supply in India and abroad.